

Final Year Engineering Student

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About Me

Data Science, Machine Learning and blockchain development enthusiast, currently looking for winter 2021 internships and full time roles.

Previously interned at where I worked on building a medical doc extractor which extracts texts from medical bills and converts them to json/dict format.

Also interned at Vidgyor Media Technologies working with Python/OpenCV and Deep Learning on TV and OTT live streams.

I also worked at the Mobile Computing and Network Research Group(MCNRG), NIT Durgapur, working with live AQI data of Delhi.

I also co-head the coding club of my college - Codechef KGEC Campus Chapter where we conduct several programs throughout the year to promote a culture of coding and provide training/guidance to students.


Computer Vision Intern

Built a medical doc extractor which extracts texts from medical bills and converts them to json/dict format.

Converted PDFs and images to text files using tesseract .

Used fuzzywuzzy to detect important keys from medical bills and extracted the values in dict format in python.

Technologies used: Pytesseract, Django, Fuzzywuzzy, Postman

Vidgyor Media Technologies

Data Science Intern

Worked on cutting edge ad-detection and monetization using Python, OpenCV and YoloV3 on live streams.

Built an ad-detection algorithm on live stream using:
1. Machine Learning (opencv) --
Detected the starting and ending points of commercial breaks using correlogram, orb and flann based matcher.

2. Deep Learning (Yolo_v3) --
Created a signature for each ad using yolo_v3 working on the coco dataset
Detected the starting points of commercial breaks on live streams using the signature created


Kalyani Government Engineering College

July 2017 - June 2021

Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology

CGPA - 7.8


Traffic Volume Prediction

A keras model to predict traffic volume from time series data.

Tech used : Python, Jupyter Notebook, Keras, XGBoost, Pandas, Numpy

Facilities : This model predicts the traffic volume of a place from weather data

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Contraceptive Method Choice

A machine learning model which predicts the current contraceptive method choice (no use, long-term methods, or short-term methods) of a woman based on her demographic and socio-economic characteristics.

Tech used : Python, Jupyter notebook, sklearn

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